Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Too Grown Up

So today, she looks too grown up. Today I see girl-- not little girl. Today, I had a moment of realizing how fast time is is amazing what a haircut can reveal.

A Visit From Kyle, Shannon, and Ethan

Last week, my cousin Kyle, his wife Shannon and their son Ethan were here. Kyle had work here and what fun for us that he did! The pictures below are not necessarily in the order of events, but you can see the fun we had. I did not get to do anything during the day until Friday. I was in a training all week. The kids got to spend some extra time with them all. This is the last night that we saw them. The gals and the kids got together at our house to play, swim, and eat. Here are pics from the time in the pool.

Seaweed girl???

During the day Friday, Shannon and I headed to the Dallas World Aquarium. I had never been there, so this was a treat for us all.

My favorite part was the walk through shark area. It literally surrounded you. These pictures do not do it justice!

Here are the kiddos loving all the animals!

Dylan and Kadyn told me the felt like Diego and his cousin Alicia since we were in surroundings like they are in many of their adventures..... they wanted pictures... so here are my Diego and Alicia.

The next part is some of my favorite pictures-- well the last 4 to be honest. Mid week, we all went to mom and dad's to eat and play. Kaci brought her blow up pool since it is so blasted hot these days.

Here are Kyle and Ethan....
Fun in the pool minus Ethan.....
Ethan was mowing......
Then he decided to get in the pool--- however I did not get a picture of it-- he wasn't in too terribly long.... but here is the sequence of events the moment he decided he was done.... We had a really good laugh at this one!!

It was so fun seeing part of the "Other Kline's" We do not get to see our family enough.....My kids have not stopped asking how long till we see Ethan again....... then he asks about Grandmom, and Books-- ( Brooks!)
So-- we hope to see you all soon!!

More of Dylan

So here is Dylan-- he had been down supposedly napping. I took advantage this day to lay down myself. I woke up to LOTS of loud banging. I ran out of my room to find him tap dancing in the kitchen. He decided he did not need a nap-- so he went into Kadyn's room. He wanted to try and dance like she does. Eric is SO proud of this picture!!
Jonathan and Dylan after swimming. Look at the skin color differences haha! LAst week, we went to eat with Eric's family. Dylan did not want much of anything until he saw Uncle David eat. Well David was eating sushi-- so that is what Dylan decided he wanted. I didn't think he would eat it--- but he did!!! Now, when we went back for more, he did not like the entire piece al lat one time. Still-- he ate sushi and like-- if I hadn't known I birthed him I would wonder if this was really my child!

Here is my sweet boy. He fell asleep waiting his turn to "shoot" on the Wii. He stayed this way for over an hour!

The Big 30!!

Today-- Eric hits a milestone-- the big 30!!!! We are celebrating with the entire family on Friday--tonight-- the 4 of us will go to eat-- his choice-- Olive Garden!

Happy Birthday Eric ( daddy) --- WE LOVE YOU!!!

Soggy Cereal

This morning-- I love soggy cereal! My sweet kids made me breakfast this morning. I was still in bed-- Dylan comes and joins me on these summer mornings. He watched cartoons while I try to catch a few more moments of sleep. This morning this was a sweet time with lots of " I love you mommy!" Then he hears Kadyn get up-- off they go--- there are giggles-- there is the stay here mommy we have a surprise for you-- then Dylan comes running in to tell me a secret-- he whispers in my ear-- we're making breakfast for you--- then there is Kadyn yelling-- don't tell her Dylan--- all this makes me smile!! They both appear at the side of the bed-- they lead me to the kitchen-- there is my cereal-- along with a bowl for each of them. They were so proud of themselves--- and yes-- I ate every bite of the soggy cereal-- and it was the best cereal I have ever had!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Ramblings In My Mind

So, it is 5 minutes to midnight. I cannot sleep. I have gone from watching "Mamma Mia" to the Primetime special on Randy Pausch tonight. Talk about a range of emotions! I have belly laughed and belly cried.

So here I am wanting to sleep, yet there is so much going through my mind. I had heard about Randy Pausch, but have yet to listen to "The Last Lecture." I want to, but have shied away from it. See, I am afraid of dying-- why? This I don't know. I mean I know beyond a shadow of a doubt where I am going-- what more could I ask for than to be with my Saviour? Is it the fact that I won't be here? I have such a need to know what is going on, to be a part of everything I can--so is that it? I know dying means I will miss things? Is it the fact that death could hurt? The fact that I don't know how it might happen? I honestly do not know---I do not want to fear death-- I want to embrace life-- to live it to the fullest..

That being said-- I am learning so much about myself this summer. It has not been easy on Eric-- I have not necessarily been easy to live with emotionally this summer I am sure! I have been on a roller coaster ride. So allow me this outlet to write.... to process..... to acknowledge things I know-- and am working hard to accept..... Things I know that I am now working on....not things I necessarily am proud of!

I want to be in control.... of everything

I relive the past too much-- this makes me wish for other days, wonder what life might have been like--question my choices in life

I tend to be selfish--

I want recognition---and wonder at times why I don't get it-- then wonder why it is I really need it!

My kids are the most important things to me.... yet I know I don't spend the time with them that I should... I tend to say... "Later"

I have trouble finding contentment with the here and now-- I long for things that are to come or that I hope will come....

I get angry too easily...

I hold onto hurts....

I want the fairy tale ending....... this is not fair to Eric

I want so badly to be creative-- yet am so scared to try!

I need to be accepted-- to have friends-- I see how my happiness has revolved around this

So- the list is getting long..... thank goodness God loves me--- I see all these "flaws" and yet I know that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I MUST work on loving myself as God loves me....I had a sweatshirt years ago that said " Under Construction... God's Not Through With Me Yet!!!!" How grateful I am for this........

So if you are one of those that read this; can I ask you to pray with me as I continue to learn about myself and the woman God wants me to be. There is so much within me........God isn't through with me yet....... I can't wait!!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


So today is a day that I finally got up off my tush and got some things done. No, I am not done yet..... but progress was made. I have realized this summer that I must have a routine of some sorts. I envy those moms who get to stay at home. I really do. However, I think I have finally learned-- or maybe accepted is the better word-- that I need to work. I LOVE having my summers off .... but I think I am a better mother because I work. I am more focused... whereas with all the time in the world- well I end up wasting most of it. Then I feel guilty... and the cycle goes on and on. Anyway-- so today I got a good bit done-- but what I want to share is this..... Kadyn was not asked to help-- but she did. She did ALL the floors-- I mean all of them-- mopped and vaccumed. She cleaned her room and her brother's along with their bathroom. Now you are wondering what I did haha! Along with the rest of the house I began cleaning out the garage-- trying to get some order to it after we moved. I got about 1/2 cleaned out. Now there is 1/2 left to do-- and then I get to organize.

Anyway-- today brought joy to my heart to see my daughter beg to help-- to jump in and do things-- I would catch her in the act! No, the floors are not necessarily as clean as I would have them. But I don't care. They were cleaned with such love today---any germs that might be there- I am sure they were suffocated by it!

Here is a pic of Kadyn as I caught her...

Being 3

Being 3 is hard enough... and then you go and add your sister's birthday party and you don't get any presents. Such a hard concept to understand. While the girl's went to Build A Bear- ( see post below) daddy and Uncle Mikey took Dylan to eat.... and of course ended up at Wal-Mart. So I left Dylan with them but what returned to me was Batman-- or is it the Hulk...

This is my sweet angel that sleepover night..... he finally gave it up in my bed...... still wearing the Hulk gloves and batman clothes.


Enough said....

Kadyn's Sleepover

As I wrote in a previous post, Kadyn wanted to go to Buid- A- Bear for her birthday this year. We could not see outr whole family going to the store. So, we did the party in 2 stages. This is the night Kadyn and her friends went to BAB. GrannyLeen and Grannylou went along with us. It was a full fledged girl's outing. The girl's were so excited. They did a great job of sticking to the budget they were given.

After the bears were made with love, they entire store sang Happy Birthday to Kadyn. This was a surprise to us since I did not pay for a party. The girls working that night were so nice!
After BAB, we went home for cake part 2. Kadyn also had a treat. One of her friends speaks Arabic. She sang Kadyn 'Happy Birthday" in Arabic.

The theme of the night ended up being Hannah Montana. She got lots of cool stuff like this clock, cool pens and stuff to write and draw with along with a new swimsuit, HM towel and cool flip flops.
So the birthday adventure for Kadyn is over for yet another year........ and she has already begun to think about what she wants to do next year!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Don't Tell Me My Man Ain't No Handyman :o)

So, our refrigerator has started making this wierd noise. Eric first would hit it, and it would stop. Well, that was not working last night. He thinks it is the plastic cover inside rattling-- I'm not sure-- but hey he is the man.... so I will go with his instinct on this one.....
Anyway-- it was REALLY bothering him last night. I knew he was in the kitchen for awhile trying to stop the noise. It stopped-- I didn't know how or why-- but it stopped. Well, I go in this morning and find this in the freezer---- Just call Eric... Mr. Fix It! I just hope I don't need that measuring cup! I must say I laughed outloud for about 5 minutes on this one!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

The Family Bday Party

Tonight, the family gathered to celebrate Kadyn. We had chicken my mom had smoked-- corn we grilled-- which was so good-- beans- chips-and cake. I think we all had a great time! Kadyn was showered with gifts-- she got LOTS of things to do. That is what she wanted. She got a new Hannah Montana outfit and the Wii game for HM as well. I love the first picture-- Elizabeth was loving all over Kadyn! I caught her lean in to get a kiss.

After food and presents, most of us got in the pool to swim.
I asked Kadyn right before she headed to be if she had a good birthday-- she said she had-- she was tired! Now, she is having 3 friends over Friday night to go to Build A Bear and spend the night! We decided to do her party in 2 stages this year-- I couldn't see us all going into Build A Bear-- they wouldn't know what hit them! I will post pictures after the slumber party!!
Happy Birthday Kadyn-- I can't believe you are 7!!