Sunday, October 26, 2008

2008 Pumpkin Carving

This year's victim....

Giving specific directions to daddy on what they want the pumpkin to look like.

A happy pumpkin...... liitle does the poor soul know what is about to hit him....

Let the carving begin....

The guts must be removed....

This one had LOTS of guts!!

Both kids said they wanted to eat the pumpkin in its natural state-- they both claim to like it-- I am not convinced by the look on Dylan's face!

Watching intently as each pice of the Jack O'Lantern comes to life....

The finished product......

Kadyn and Dylan proudly with their creation... thanks to the help of Daddy.... the master carver!
The Jack O'Lantern's new home... for now.
Kadyn out "planting" a few of the pumpkin seeds in the backyard.


This cake is a good picture to symbolize how I feel about turning 35.... a big jumbled mess! For some reason, this is hitting me hard.... why? I have no idea!! Is it because I feel like I am so not "together?" Is it because I now have to round to 40? I mean-- 35 is NOT old at all!!! Is it because I know unless God has different plans that I am done carrying children? Is it because I am a woman and get emotional about random things??? Who knows... what I do know... this birthday has hit me hard in so many areas. I have been questioning everything about me-- I hope this is not mid-life crisis! I mean that means I will only be here until 70!!!! That is not enough time in so many ways!!
Still, in the midst of this confusion-- I realize how blessed I am. I have a WONDERFUL family -- the kind that love you through your best-- and for me-- the worst years! I have 2 beautiful children who love me unconditionally. I have a husband who-- well we have had more downs than ups--- but we are on the right track--- we are working on it-- and he loved me enough to fight for us! So-- I am blessed--

So-- for my bday- I wanted to do something different---I wanted to have fun.... so some friends suggested we go to a place called Pete's Dueling Piano Bar. This was so me!!!! There are 2 pianos-- the play music from every era..... every style...... and everyone gets involved..... there is much singing...... and oh so much fun!!! It was a night that took me back--- reminded me of some DEAR friends--you know who you are--- it made me thankful for new friends--- something I have been searching for..... So-- here are a few pics from the night--there are only a few--- some of the pics were blurry-- so I didn't get everyone in--
I got to just be Kristi--- it is nice to do that from time to time!

So-- here's to my next 35......thanks to EVERYONE who has been a part of my first 35... you all will never know how you have helped mold me into the woman I am today. I am so thankful for each and every experience-- the good and yes... the bad. I have learned so much, grown so much, and changed in many ways!
I love you all!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Kadyn Fall School Picture 2008

Here is my sweet baby....... now in 2nd grade! Look at grown up!!!

She was never snaggled tooth.... if you look closely you will see her baby tooth sticking out! All of her baby teeth would get loose, then the permanent tooth would come in with the baby tooth hanging out. We had to pull every one of her baby teeth out....

Where has the time gone?

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

This symbolizes the start of my favorite time of year. It is so busy, yet so much fun! From October through the beginning of a new year--so many good times. Here is the beginning... our annual trip to the Pumpkin Patch. We were down a few member this year-- Eric was at at the doc with an infected arm, Elizabeth was recovering at home and Clay was with her. So, the "original" Klines and 3 of the grandkids met for a day of fun.

I love this place! They have a hay ride-- tons of bounce houses, tons of pictures opportunities, and rows and rows of pumpkins!

Dylan tries to see how many pumpkins he can pick up each year.. Kadyn joined in on the fun this year!!

State Fair 2008

I love going to the State Fair. Some call me crazy... but I do. Mom headed out again with the kids and I. Here are some of the highlights.....