Monday, January 21, 2008

Wedding Day!!!

What a MIGHTY God we serve! What a mighty God we serve! Angels bow before Him, Heaven and Earth adore Him-What a mighty God we serve!!

There is no other way to begin to share this day than giving honor and praise to God-whom I now refer to as Papa-- want to know why-- that is another story-- ask me about that in an email and I will let you know!

This day- January 18th is nothing short of a miracle-- Eric and I want to look forward, not dwell on what was- but what is now and what is to come. We were able to celebrate the restoration of our marriage around 2:00 on Friday, January 18th, 2008. We chose to celebrate this new beginning in a quiet setting. We did take Kadyn with us for the ceremony. We felt is was important for her to be with us, as she has walked this road emotionally with us. We did get the ceremony on video. Here are the pictures that were taken of the fun afterwards. Enjoy!!

We will have a time for those who want to celebrate with us what God has done. How, when, or where this will be???? We do not know yet! We will let you know when we do!

This is Kadyn and Eric right before the ceremony. We had just given Kadyn a silver chain with my original wedding band on it. We promised her this was forever- we promised her that Eric was adopting her and would officially be her daddy. She was SO excited!!

Here is our wedding cake-- simple, yet delicious! The top decorations are white chocolate!!

Here we are-- moments after we were officially married!

Cutting the Cake

Now- we all get fed!!

Eric opening the sparkling cider-a real cork that popped-- I was reliving the story of my parents wedding night-- I did not want anyone to have a black eye!! Thankfully no one does!

Do you know how hard this was with our height difference?

Right outside the B&B

Across the street was the courthouse

Can you see the joy on both of their faces?

My angel!

The New and Improved Branch's!!

Signing the license!!!!

Before Kadyn left, she wanted to take a picture of us--

Thank you to EVERYONE who prayed for us, supported us, and loved us......we love you all!!

Christmas Day 2007

Christmas Day was full of adventure. This was Granny Lou and Pop's year to be with us on Christmas morning. They chose to spend the night so they would not miss any of the fun. The pictures below are not in any order. I can tell you if it is Diego, play tools, Hannah Montana, or High School Musical, I think we now have it at our house! Kadyn also got a very cool book made by Mrs. Claus. She wrote to Santa wanting to know if there was a Mrs. Claus. The book, with a letter from both Mr. and Mrs. Claus were so neat! We made sure to keep it so we can use it every year! Dolly was happy- she got a bed!!

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve-- a time of tradition and change.
We started off our evening at FRBC's Christmas Eve service. Going to a service is a tradition, however this year was different. Our family has been visiting FRBC, but only for a short time. Mom and Dad are not members there either. Yes, we are all in a time of transition as we look for a new church family. However, it was important for us to celebrate the birth of our Saviour--
Dylan actually did great! He played with stickers for a majority of the time. The only time it could have gotten hairy- well at the end when the entire sanctuary is lit by candles that you are holding. Of course, Dylan wanted to hold it. This went ok with MUCH watching by me. It was the blowing out part that got him- he used his lips to put the flame out--yes-- his lips on the flame. The look on his face-- it was not a catastrophe- I think he pulled his lips away fast enough that it only startled him!
Then- it was home to eat and open one present.

The tradition of PJ"s continues- this year- Diego and High School Musical.
Kadyn told us the Christmas Story using the Little People Nativity set we got the kids this year.
This is my FAVORITE picture!

To top the night off, we had chocolate fondue-- a Kline family tradition that is being continued!!
Then off to bed-- Santa was coming!

Christmas with the Skippers

Christmas with the Skippers came a few days early since they were heading to Memphis. The kids had a great time opening their gifts to each other and then playing. The grown-ups--well we had fun- if that is what you call it- taking apart the packages.

Jonathan and Dylan had a great deal of fun going up the stairs and sliding back down. It has been such a joy to see them really begin to play and interact with each other. Pop even got in on the action playing Troy- while Kadyn was Gabriella.