Thursday, July 09, 2009

Kadyn turns 8!

Today is Kadyn's birthday--- 8 years ago today she blessed me....she gave me a scare getting here-- but even though there could have easily been life altering issues-- she is perfect. Kadyn seems to have turned a corner over the past month.... she has grown up== another step= one of those things that has just become obvious lately. Kadyn loves to sing in her room... loves to put on shows.. but is still very shy and doesn't know how to take a compliment.... yes I will admit she gets that from me. She loves the karaoke machine we got her for her birthday. Kadyn finished up her 4th year of dance. We are in the process of thinking about changing dance studios.....looking in to possibilities. She is making some wonderful new friends at the church we have joined.. FBC Arlington. Many of these friends go to the school right by our house-- which she has been asking to go to-- instead of the school where I am. Today has been a day of reflection... I was more emotional today than I think I have been since her 1st bday..... not sure why....
Kadyn I love you so much.. I am so glad God blessed me with you as a daughter! I can't wait to see what the next 8 years have in store for you!

Friday, July 03, 2009

Overblown Expectations

I heard that phrase, "overblown expectations" a few minutes ago on Oprah. As I sat listening to the explanation... I realized how it really describes how I am in so many situations in my life. I want so much for my kids, for my family... for myself. Many times my desire for wonderful memories leaves me disappointed after most anything to be honest. I have ideas about how things should be... want the best...want everyone to have fun... will go to the utmost extremes to try and create the best environment... that I either don't have fun myself.. or get upset if it doesn't turn out like I dreamed. I'm sitting here in one of those moments right now... knowing that I have a decision to make... knowing that I am just tired enough after the sleepover last night, ( see post below) that I am probably setting myself up for disappointment no matter what I choose. It is 4th of July weekend... I SOOOOO want to go to the concerts, kids play area, fireworks put on by the city tonight. I SOOOO want to go to the parade in the morning , to be a part of the celebrations. I SOOO want to have plans for tomorrow and we have an option..... I would love to see fireworks again tomorrow night. However, none of these things appeal to my husband. He would rather not go.... in fact has already said he probably won't go. I can't blame him for not enjoying these things.. it is who he is. However, that messes with my dream... my desire for our family and for our kids. No matter what I choose to do, my overblown expectations are not going to be met. I am already disappointed. Do I venture out with 2 kids on my own... who are tired already... when I am tired... so we can make memories....even though the likelihood of attitudes is high after little sleep? Do I stay at home... knowing that I will be disappointed? I don't know what to do... and find myself in situations like this more than I don't...sorry I have now rambled... but as it is quiet in my house.. kids sleeping, husband gone with his brother until late tonight..I find myself needing to talk... to get this off my chest... to throw my hurt, disappointment, and overblown expectations to God and say... HELP as I know only YOU can bring healing.. only YOU can help me learn how to balance.... so I am crying out to YOU!


Last night, Dylan had his first sleepover.... he was so excited! His best buddy Preston came over. We started at McDonald's and were there for over an hour! They played hard! Then it was home to play some more. At 9, we made their "bed" and put in a Power Rangers movie. Preston finally fell asleep at 11:30. Dylan was still awake... he finally gave it up around midnight!!! Kadyn also had a friend spend the night. While this was not her first sleepover, it was the first time Jennifer was at our house. They met at church. Both families are fairly new to the church. The girls have become fast friends! Here are all 4 ....supposedly winding down....

The boys finally gave it up! I never got a picture of the girls asleep-- I could still here them whispering at 1!!

The next morning, the first child awoke at 6:45!!!! My two slept until I woke them up at 8:30-- as both of their friends were up... They went in the pool for 2 hours! I am so glad we have the pool-- it provides hours of entertainment!

Here are the boys fishing in our pool with the noodles.... I wish you could hear their conversations! I love their imaginations at this age.... you would think they truly thought they might catch a fish!

Overall, our sleepover night went well. Very few skirmishes among the kids.... especially after so little sleep.