This contains the anatomical word for a boy -- and yes I know how to actually spell it-- i am writing it all the way through as he says it-- with a "U" instead of an I
So-- we intriduced Dylan to the word penus about 2 weeks ago. He has reached the point as a boy that he is CONSTANTLY holding himself. We introduced him to the real word and told him that boys don't walk around holding themselves. He hasn't embarrassed us in public yet by yelling it out-- but he did make Eric and I laugh hysterically tonight. He came into the living room holding himself. Eric asked if he needed to go to the bathroom-- to which Dylan said no. So Eric said, then you need to stop holding your... and Eric stopped. We are both getting used to using this world with him and it throws us from time to time. Dylan walked up and said: "It is a Pe-nus daddy." He looked at me and said, " Mommy, Daddy didn't call it a pe- nus." He then asked me where my penus was as he squatted down-- trying to figure out where it was! (I am in jean capri's- not that he could tell!) I told him God did not give girl's a penus to which Dylan replies-" Do you have to go buy your own penus mommy?" Eric and I laughed SO HARD!! THis is one to remember!!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
It's A Hard Knock Life
Today was the National Competition for Dance. We had to be ther so early-- at 7 am!! The girls were the first to perform today. They did a great job again- especially for it being so early in the morning!!!

After the competed, we had about 3 hours until awards. We all went to IHOP-- Granny Lou, Pop, Granny Leen, Bob, and all 4 Branches. It was a good time of fellowship.

After the competed, we had about 3 hours until awards. We all went to IHOP-- Granny Lou, Pop, Granny Leen, Bob, and all 4 Branches. It was a good time of fellowship.
Kadyn and I stayed for the awards. We got to watch a good number of groups that were also competing. They were older and had been dancing longer, but it showed Kadyn what she will be able to do if she keeps it up.
So the awards start and Kadyn's group placed Platinum First again! Kadyn was the one from her group that went to get the trophy! I realized too late she was the one walking up-- so I only got her walking away with the trophy. Kadyn had a great time. She is ready to compete more! This is definitely a new world for Eric and I!!!

We are not allowed to take pictures or video during the performance. However, they take professional pictures-- TONS of pictures that you have the opportunity to purchase. We bought two-- here they are!

We are not allowed to take pictures or video during the performance. However, they take professional pictures-- TONS of pictures that you have the opportunity to purchase. We bought two-- here they are!

Saturday, June 28, 2008
Miracles Still Happen

So, today would be my 5 year anniversary-- June 28, 2003 Eric and I married. Most people who read this know we had a very rocky road. However, God still performs modern day miracles!! Today is a day that we will hold dear, but will not "celebrate" as our anniversary. That day for us is now Jan, 18, 2008. We have been asked how we will count the years we have been married? Well, this next Jan, we will celebrate 5 years. No, they were not all wonderful, but they are a part of who we are. Those years as tough as they were did have good moments-- ones we will treasure. They have helped shape who we are today. So the picture of the rings.. these are my original wedding rings. When we decided to remarry, I did not want to wear that same rings... it reminded me of the past and I wanted to move forward. However, we did not need to go spend money on a new set of rings. So, we found a beautiful set-- that well, wasn't real-- although I got lots of comments on how beautiful they were! However, this past week, I pulled out the original set--- I am now wearing them proudly for all of the reasons I mentioned above. Those years are a part of us--- and I am glad to say that we are here today-- married and committed to working through life together!
Dylan's Lastest Passion
Well, my son never ceases to amaze me!! He is non- stop action--however he has found a new passion. He will sit still for long periods of time and work puzzles!! Here he is working so hard-- His favorite 2 puzzles right now are Cars and Thomas. He has a new Tigger one that he works on as well. Puzzles are a welcome addition to our house!

Thursday, June 26, 2008
Proud Mama
UPDATE: So-- I got a new camera!!! Here are the 2 ribbons from the regional competiton! I will have pictures from Nationals!

original post:
So my camera went on the blitz today so I have no pictures at this moment... but I am so proud of Kadyn!!! Her dance team placed Platinum First in the Regional Dance Competition today!! They will compete in the National Competition on Sunday morning. I do have a new camera and promise to have pictures to show!! Another mom promised she would send me some pics from today as well!! I think we are only just beginning the life of a dancer's parents!!
WAY TO GO KADYN!!!!!!!!!

original post:
So my camera went on the blitz today so I have no pictures at this moment... but I am so proud of Kadyn!!! Her dance team placed Platinum First in the Regional Dance Competition today!! They will compete in the National Competition on Sunday morning. I do have a new camera and promise to have pictures to show!! Another mom promised she would send me some pics from today as well!! I think we are only just beginning the life of a dancer's parents!!
WAY TO GO KADYN!!!!!!!!!
Monday, June 23, 2008
A Week in The Woodlands
Last week I had the privelege of attending the Mickelson Exxon Mobil Teachers Academy at The Woodlands Resort in The Woodlands, TX. I must say it was an amazing week!! They treated us so weel, took care of everything we needed! The food was amazing, the accomadations to die for, and the service was like none I have witnessed before. The academy was such a good time. It was wonderful to collaborate with teachers from other areas. I was reminded how much I love what I do- I am excited to get back to my classroom! The picture below is the Arlington ISD team with a representative from Exxon Mobil. I would highly encourage any teacher to go. They now have a website that your students can nominate you to go...... it is http://www.sendmyteacher.com/

This is the room we stayed in. The view out my window was of the golf course.

The academy told us our families could come while we were there and enjoy the wonderful surroundings. Eric couldn't take off of work, so mom brought the kids down on Wednesday. They hada great time!! I think they would have stayed in the pool for forever had we allowed them to. I did get to play with them on Wednesday afternoon since we had the afternoon off. It was such a good time!!
The academy told us our families could come while we were there and enjoy the wonderful surroundings. Eric couldn't take off of work, so mom brought the kids down on Wednesday. They hada great time!! I think they would have stayed in the pool for forever had we allowed them to. I did get to play with them on Wednesday afternoon since we had the afternoon off. It was such a good time!!
Another bonus to my having a conference in The Woodlands is the one of my heart friends lives there--Cynthia. It was so fun to be able to get our kids together to play! We spent time at Incredible pizza one night during the week and then spent Friday night at her house. Kadyn and Dylan loved playing with Lilli. They got ins ome good time with her while Cynthia and I went to her baby shower on Saturday. Jack will join their lives in early August-- although Cynthia wouldn't mind it being late July. Here are some pictures of all the kiddos playing.

Saturday, June 14, 2008
Father's Day 2008
So it is a day early, but I am leaving on a week long trip tomorrow to attend an academy in The Woodlands, TX. Since I have to leave in the morning, we took this morning to celebrate Eric. It started with a big breakfast.... Eggs, bacon, hashbrowns and biscuits. It was more like brunch I would say due to the later hour-- about 10ish. About an hour after eating, we all went out to the pool. Both kids were begging Eric and I to swim with them. I sat on a big float most of the time-- I am still very leary of my mouth being hit after my wisdom teeth. We had a very good time laughing and playing. As you will see by the pictures, Dolly joined in the fun as well. Eric and I saw her running full force around the pool. All of the sudden, she jumped fill force trying to get in the pool. She almost made it.... Eric picker her up and put her in the pool. She swam like a champ! Then she chose to sit on the float with me and shiver. Still it gave us all a good laugh and a good memory.
I do want to say to Eric:
Thank you for fighting for our family. Thank you for loving our kids and knowing that neither of us have all the right answers in regards to raising them. Thank you for loving them enough to want to try and find the best way to teach them....... We love you so much. You are such a good daddy!
To my dad:
Thanks for being there no matter what I brought you through in life. Thank you for loving me in spite of my mistakes. Thank you for being a wonderful Pop to my kids. I love you dad....
To Clay ( my bro in law):
Thank you for being a young Godly example of a spiritual Father and leader for Eric and I. Thank you for loving my sister and your children the way you do.
To all the fathers who may read this: Happy Father's Day! May your day be filled with love and laughter with your children!!!

I do want to say to Eric:
Thank you for fighting for our family. Thank you for loving our kids and knowing that neither of us have all the right answers in regards to raising them. Thank you for loving them enough to want to try and find the best way to teach them....... We love you so much. You are such a good daddy!
To my dad:
Thanks for being there no matter what I brought you through in life. Thank you for loving me in spite of my mistakes. Thank you for being a wonderful Pop to my kids. I love you dad....
To Clay ( my bro in law):
Thank you for being a young Godly example of a spiritual Father and leader for Eric and I. Thank you for loving my sister and your children the way you do.
To all the fathers who may read this: Happy Father's Day! May your day be filled with love and laughter with your children!!!
Wisdom Teeth
This is a priceless photo the day after my wisdom came out. Dylan, who never sits still, was so worried about me that he sat with me as he first woke up. Notice the pillow between my face and his head. The pain I hope to forget-- the precious boy who chose to sit still with me-- what a moment to treasure!!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Is Thank You Really Enough?
It is Wednesday night and I am doing quite well after having my wisdom teeth out. I am still very sore and have moments where I still hurt quite a bit. This is do in large part to my mom being here since Monday. Eric was with me while I had my teeth out. From what I understand, he carried me out of the dentist office and into the house. He and mom tended to my needs round the clock the first 24 hours. Mom stayed until about 5:30 this evening. She was up with me most of Monday night as the pain really began to hit. She tells me I talked and talked most of the night. She wouldn't let me do a thing. She cooked and cleaned and helped with the kids while Eric was at work. There is no way I would be doing as well as I am without her having been here to help me during the day. My mom is an incredible woman who often sacrifices her needs for those of her kids and grandkids. My dad is a trooper for letting her be gone as much as she is to be with us. I am blessed to have such wonderful parents. So, it is at moments like this that I wonder, are the words thank you really enough?
So a funny story from during this time......both kids had a hard time seeing their mommy hurting so badly. Kadyn did go spend the night with a friend one night, which helped her greatly. The night that Kadyn was gone, Dylan had a hard time getting to sleep. He got up one time to go to the bathroom. He came out and his lip was bleeding. He finally told us he had gotten my razor to shave just like daddy does. Luckily, he barely knicked his lip, but boy did it bleed. Still, as I sit and think about it, it makes me realize how quickly time will go by and he will be shaving -because he needs to! Once again, my mom wass the only thing that comforted him as his lip was hurting.
So, although I don't feel the words are enough-- Thank you mom, Thank you Dad, Thank you Eric..... for helping me out and staying by my side during this time.
I love you all......
So a funny story from during this time......both kids had a hard time seeing their mommy hurting so badly. Kadyn did go spend the night with a friend one night, which helped her greatly. The night that Kadyn was gone, Dylan had a hard time getting to sleep. He got up one time to go to the bathroom. He came out and his lip was bleeding. He finally told us he had gotten my razor to shave just like daddy does. Luckily, he barely knicked his lip, but boy did it bleed. Still, as I sit and think about it, it makes me realize how quickly time will go by and he will be shaving -because he needs to! Once again, my mom wass the only thing that comforted him as his lip was hurting.
So, although I don't feel the words are enough-- Thank you mom, Thank you Dad, Thank you Eric..... for helping me out and staying by my side during this time.
I love you all......
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
So, I am sitting here the day after I had my wisdom teeth out. No, I don't remember the actual procedure, but I would have a c-section anyday over this. The dentist and nurses were all very nice. My mom and Eric have been wonderful taking care of me- but my mouth truly aches. They couldn't take one of the teeth out. It was the only one that had not broken through the skin. The bud evidently sits so close to a nerve- one that could permanently mess up my face. I am glad the dentist decided not to go ahead and try to take it. He told Eric it should not ever bother me since it has never developed more than the bud.
Sleep last night was few and far between. Pain pills make me have wierd dreams.....head hurts from sleeping so much. But, the whole ordeal is over. The overwhelming fear I had is gone......Thank you to those of you who prayed for me. I went deeply asleep during the procedure. It is time time for another pain pill........
Sleep last night was few and far between. Pain pills make me have wierd dreams.....head hurts from sleeping so much. But, the whole ordeal is over. The overwhelming fear I had is gone......Thank you to those of you who prayed for me. I went deeply asleep during the procedure. It is time time for another pain pill........
Friday, June 06, 2008
Time on My Hands
Today is the first day I have had time to sit and catch up on the blog. School is now out for the summer. There is much fun to come! The summer is not starting out to great for me.. I get my wisdom teeth out on Monday-- what fun!!! To be honest I am terrified, but am holding on to the fact that many people have gone through this and survived haha! I also know that God is my comfort, my healer, and my protector. He will be with me- so I hold on to this assurance.
The week after I will be going to The Woodlands for a National Academy for Math and Science put on by Phil Mickelson and Exxon. I will get to see one of my dearest friends who lives no more than 10 minutes from the resort!!! Kadyn has camp, and a birthday. Eric has a big bday this summer as well.
So, enjoy the following posts about the latest goings on here....
We would love to know what is going on in your lives as well!
The week after I will be going to The Woodlands for a National Academy for Math and Science put on by Phil Mickelson and Exxon. I will get to see one of my dearest friends who lives no more than 10 minutes from the resort!!! Kadyn has camp, and a birthday. Eric has a big bday this summer as well.
So, enjoy the following posts about the latest goings on here....
We would love to know what is going on in your lives as well!
Dylan's 3rd Birthday
Where has the time gone? Dylan turned 3 on the 1st of June. He is so big! He keeps us on our toes and is so full of life. He is definitely all boy for sure! He had a Diego party. It was a good celebration with family and friends. The kids were in the pool most the time except for Dylan. Once he got presents he was in his own world. Dylan asked for robots, so robots he got. Even the big boys were excited to see the Transformers and play with the toys in the pool. Dylan also got a small trampoline and lots of outdoors things! All of this is right up his alley!! He also got Superman pajamas. So, each night, he puts these on and flies----
I am so thankful for Dylan. God has blessed us with a tenderhearted boy who loves life. I cannot wait to see all that God has in store for him as he grows. I love you Dylan!!

I am so thankful for Dylan. God has blessed us with a tenderhearted boy who loves life. I cannot wait to see all that God has in store for him as he grows. I love you Dylan!!
One of Those Moments
Ever had one of those moments that just make your heart smile? This was one of those moments for me. Watching my husband and my son get so excited together about a lizard that was outside. Dylan would get so excited and Eric would tell him about the lizard. As it ran, they both followed it. Eric touced the lizard, so Dylan touched the lizard. A moment now embedded in my heart.

Swimming Lessons
Both kids just finished up swimming lessons. Kadyn has had lessons before, but I felt she really needed a confidence boost. Dylan, well we needed him to have some clue as to what to do in the water since he is such a dare devil. It is amazing the difference the 2 weeks made. Kadyn is swimming so well. She is not afraid to go in the deep end anymore. She went to a pool party the last day of school and was everywhere! Dylan picked up on so much! He loves swimming. I will still have to watch him, as he is still young to grasp it all. But, he does have some basic beginning skills now! He was going off the diving board ( the table as he called it) by the end of the week as well as the big slide. This was the highlight for him. They both knew someone in their class which made the time that much better!

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