Vacation Bible School was fun this year. I worked with Kindergarten so I could be in the worship time with Kadyn. What fun to get to watch her worship! Truly, to be in there with 3, 4, and 5 year olds as they sing to God- what a blessing!
Kadyn would have sheer delight on her face during the worship time--one reason...... look below!
Pop played the roll of Klondike Keith. He mainly spent his time in the grade school worship time, however he did make an appearance on the last day with the preschooler's. He was in a tent-- and would snore-- LOUDLY! The kids would yell loudly to wake him up and he would come out making a big fuss! What fun this was! The huge smile on Kadyn's face is the moment she realized it was Pop!
The theme for the week was Artic Edge. Kadyn is doing the motions and here she is doing the motion for Edge--trying not to fall off!
This is Mrs. Pauline- she was great at leading the preschooler's each day. Mrs. Karin said she was better than Ms. Pattycake! How true this is-especially when getting the wiggles out!
Mrs. Karin would lead the kids each day in the motto for the week as well as their Bible verse for the day. She also came to different classes and spent time with the kids. Kadyn loves Mrs. Karin and Mrs. Karin loves her! She has a wonderful heart!!
The next few are shots from the worship.
The picture below shows the time of the offering. There was a competition between the boys and the girls to see which group could raise more money. The boys beat the girls by a few hundred dollars- but overall, $5000 was raised to help others--all of this by children! Kadyn is in the middle of the group below taking the girl's offering for her class.
Kadyn and Dylan spent each morning with me before the other kids arrived. Dylan loved to crawl in and out of the tent. Kadyn- such a good big sister played with him, laughed with him and loved on him! I happened to catch a still moment with Dylan!
We can't wait for VBS next year!
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