Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Bubble Fireworks

So- 4th of July was wet and soggy here. In order to not let the day go by completely unrecognized, I took the kids out to the garage and we had a celebration of our own-- with bubbles! Dylan got a bubble machine for his birthday and we have not had a chance to play yet. So today was the day.

Dylan was fascincated with the bubbles- for about 5 minutes!

Dylan can't just let the bubble machine do its job! He must help it out but sticking his fingers in! If I had only had the taken the picture a few seconds later you would have seen Kadyn's mouth wide open as she yelled "Dylan NO!"

The next few pictures show Dylan--while Kadyn is enjoying the bubbles!

All in all we had a fun time. The rain then started coming again- and out in the rain they went!!!

Dylan had to go everywhere Kadyn did!

Dylan had to check it all out- even the drain!

Kadyn was right there-- helping her brother. She was so worried he might fall!

I am thankful for moments like these-- simple.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Looks like you had a fun day even in the rain.