Oh my dear Kadyn, words cannot express the pure joy in my heart! On Sunday, April 23rd, you walked down and accepted Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour. How beautiful you were! I want to have this moment captured for you forever- so that if you ever doubt whether or not it was real, you have this to look back on and remember-- it is real. Kadyn, Christ has already made a difference in you. Even at 4 years and 10 months, there is a change. Here is a record of events as close as I can get:
You have always asked questions about God. You have always loved going to church and you have loved going to day care at the seminary. You heard daily at "school" about Jesus. You heard weekly about Jesus at church. You and I talked most days about God in some fashion or form. Along about March of this year, you began asking specific questions about God. Who He was, where he was, etc. You would ask these questions a few at a time and then a few days would go by without anything. I know now that you were taking in every word and thinking about it. You would then come back a few days later and tell me what you took as truth, based on conversations we had previously had. At the beginning of April. you asked me what it meant to ask Jesus in your heart. We talked about letting Jesus be the King of your life. These days, you live in a world of princesses, princes, kings and queens. You tell me that the king is the one who is in charge. So I thought this analogy might help you understand. We talked about how Jesus didn't really live in your heart for real. That He was there to guide you, to help you make good choices, and to help you know when you had messed up. We talked about how He had fought the devil and won! We talked about how Christ died on the cross for you to save you from your sins, but that He came back--He rose from the dead. You told me that night early in April that you wanted Jesus to be your King. This being the first time that we had talked specifically about salvation, I was not sure that you had a complete understanding. I asked Mrs. Karin to talk with you that Wednesday night. She talked with us and boy did you talk her ear off! Mrs. Karin said at that point you knew all the answers, but that you did not yet understand that Jesus did this for you; that He would have done this for you even if there was nobody else. You had not yet personalized it. Another week goes by and during this time your good friend Adyson asked Jesus into her heart. You watched her walk down front on Easter Sunday morning. We had the Lord's Supper that morning and you wanted to know everything about it; why we did it and what it all meant. You told me on Tuesday that Jesus was telling you it was time to ask him to be your King. Again, at this point I was thinking you just saw Adyson walk down and you wanted to do the same. On Wednesday evening- the week after Easter- you heard mommy and Mrs. Angie talk about Pop going to baptize Adyson. When we got home from church, you began sobbing. You were afraid for Adyson. At this point you did not understand baptism and it scared you. I talked to you for a long time explaning that Jesus told us to be baptized. We talked about it being a way to let everyone know that you had asked Jesus into your heart. Still, you were upset. We called Granny Lou and she talked to you for a long time as well. You were still upset when you went to bed, but told me that you were going to pray and ask God to help you. On Thursday after school, you told me you needed some girl time. We ended up taking a bath together in the big bath tub. While there, you asked me more questions about baptism-you wanted me to show you how it was done. We talked through it again and I showed you exactly what would happen. You looked at me in the bathtub and told me Jesus was telling you it was time- you needed to ask him to be your king. Again, I am wondering. You were so upset the night before--was this just because your friend had done this? I told you that I wanted you to pray until Saturday night and that if you still felt Jesus talking to you, that we would have Mrs. Karin talk to you again. Off to bed you go. At 12:30 a.m., you woke me up-- mommy it is time--being half asleep I did not know what you were talking about. You said Jesus woke me up mommy-- it's time for me to ask Him to be my King. I again told you to keep praying and that we would talk to Mrs. Karin on Sunday. You told me you didn't need to talk to her. Jesus told you that baptism is a good thing. You didn't need to be scared anymore. He loved you, He died on the cross for you, and He saved you from your sins. Again, I said keep praying. This kept up on Friday and Saturday. So, first thing Sunday morning, April 23rd, I found Mrs. Karin and asked if she would talk to you. When I picked you up from Sunday School, you told me you had already asked Jesus in your heart. Mrs. Karin saw us and told me there was no doubt! You understood and realized it was for you! You told me right then that you had to tell everybody! Granny Lou was not at church, daddy was not at church, but you would not wait to go down. We found Pop and told him. You wanted to walk down to him. We called and Granny Lou rushed up to the church. You went down front and were not shy! You told everyone that you asked Jesus in your heart!
Now, Kadyn what you keep telling me over and over is that you prayed in your room by yourself on that Thursday night after you woke me up in the middle of the night. You tell me that you asked Jesus to be your King. That you knew He died for you; you knew you made bad choices and you asked him to forgive you.
Since this, Kadyn there is a change in you. You can be a shy girl at times. However, you have not been shy in telling people about your decision. You have gone to people you didn't know and told them. You response if you are being disciplined is different. You have personalized this. I cannot tell you how proud I am of you. You are not only my daughter, but you are my sister! I love you so very much! I have been praying for you since before you were born and I thank God that you have come to know Him at such an early age. I know that this does not mean your life will be easy, but always rest assured that you are a child of the true KING! He will never let you go. My prayer for you now is that you will continue to be as eager to know Him as you are right now. I pray that your desire is to keep learning, studying, and growing in the Lord. Kadyn you are destined for great things! I cannot wait to see what the Lord has in store for you!
I love you!
These pictures were taken the week after Kadyn accepted Christ. The picture of her holding the Bible-- they told her to look like she was reading- to have a more serious expression on her face. She told them she couldn't- the Bible was a good book- one that made her smile!
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