Thursday, May 25, 2006


Today is my parent's 36th wedding anniversary. WOW!!!! You know at times I would have bet against them as making it if the truth be told. There were times in my teens I thought life would have been easier if they had separated. Yet through it all they are celebrating 36 years. I know that every single moment of those 36 years have not all been perfect bliss-- but I also know they would do it all over. Marriage is not the fairy tale that we girls grow up dreaming about. It is hard work, dedication, and sometimes the sheer knowledge that you made a commitment and you refuse to break it. It is learning how to choose your battles and to say your sorry. It is learning to listen and compromise. I am glad my parents were too stubborn to walk away. I am thankful for their example of working through the hard times. Thank you mom and dad! I love you! Here is to 36 more years!

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