Thursday, May 25, 2006

Kadyn's Baptism

Sunday, May 23rd.....on this beautiful day, Kadyn was baptized. I have already shared her salvation story-but want to share a bit about this special day. She was dressed in a beautiful new dress given to her by Granny Leen. She had a handmade ponytail holder from Great Aunt Clesie. The first thing Kadyn said as she woke up was " Mommy I am getting baptized today!" Kadyn, who can tend to be shy was nothing of the sort. She was so excited all day long. We went up to the baptistry changing room with the 4 other girls. 3 of these girls are good friends of Kadyn's-Adyson Fore, Lauren Martin, and Lindsey Stewart. All of the girls were excited. My dad had the privelage of baptizing all of the girls this day. Of the 4 friends, Adyson was first, then Lauren and Lindsey. Kadyn watched each one of her friends be baptized and proclaim that Jesus is their Lord and Savior. It is now time for Kadyn. I will be honest, my heart stopped for a minute wondering if her shy act would suddenly come upon her. I mean she was about to be in front of the entire congregation going under water-two things which she doesn't do very well. However, Kadyn was so ready to tell everyone. She walked straight out to my dad and when he asked her why they were baptizing her- she did not hesitate in saying Jesus is my Lord and Savior. She did get a little disoriented in coming out of the water- but Pop carried her back to me-- what a precious sight! As Kadyn came out of the water- we realized that all 3 of her friends and their mothers had stayed to watch. How special for these girls.

After the service, we had a celebration party for the girls. What a fun time with family and friends. There was nothing formal planned- but we wanted the girls to always remember this day. We had each of them a tiara with a purple (royal) pillow. They all love playing princess- and we let them know they are now truly princesses of the one and only King! Kadyn also received her first "big" girl Bible from Granny Lou and Pop. She received a t-shirt that says I am a princess of the true King-- from Aunt Kaci and Uncle Clay. The girls had a great time. Kadyn is still talking about the entire day almost a week later. There are MANY pictures from this day. I will probably have to put them in two different blogs-- we will see! What a special day-I know the angels were rejoicing.

The Girls- Lauren, Kadyn, Adyson, Lindsey

Kadyn's royal pillow and looking through her new Bible in her tiara.

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