Sunday, November 18, 2007

Hannah Montana Concert

Kadyn and I got to do something awesome.. We got to go see Hannah Montana/ Miley Cyrus in concert on November 14th. It was amazing!!! We went with some friends and as you can see from the first picture--- the girls were running to get there- and there was still 2 1/2 hours until the show!! They got to see the outside of her bus and get pictures taken by a lifesize picture of Hannah.

Kadyn kept looking up at the picture of Miley on the side of the bus and saying-- it's her-- it's really her!

Here we are anxiously waiting!
The Jonas Brothers started the concert-- they were good- but the best was.....HANNAH MONTANA!!!!!

Trying so hard to stay awake-- I am loving it-- but it is past my bedtime!! Wait-- it's Girls Night Out!!! I am up again!


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