Sunday, November 02, 2008

Halloween 2008

This year, we headed over to the church GrannyLou has been going to. They had a HUGE carnival... TONS of bounce houses, lots of candy-- and fun for everyone! GrannyLeen, Bob, Uncle David and Uncle Mikey joined in on the fun!!!

Kadyn was Jasmine and Dylan was Ben 10. It was hard to get him to stand still for a picture. He was too busy saving everyone!

Dylan fishing with Bob and another attempt to get a picture of Dylan.

Climbing up the rocket ship...

Some game...

Waiting to go up the Titanic.. then going up!

More bounce houses...... Coming out the Cat's mouth...

Looking at the car smashing..... Uncle Mikey talking to both kids about what is going on

Car smashing......

More car smashing......even daddy and Uncle David got in on the action.

Look at that aim!

Fire Trucks!!! The kids had mommy and GrannyLou to get in the trucks as well!

Final pictures of the night on the hayride! Dylan finally looked at the camera- don't you love the chocolate tooth he has!

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