Sunday, October 26, 2008


This cake is a good picture to symbolize how I feel about turning 35.... a big jumbled mess! For some reason, this is hitting me hard.... why? I have no idea!! Is it because I feel like I am so not "together?" Is it because I now have to round to 40? I mean-- 35 is NOT old at all!!! Is it because I know unless God has different plans that I am done carrying children? Is it because I am a woman and get emotional about random things??? Who knows... what I do know... this birthday has hit me hard in so many areas. I have been questioning everything about me-- I hope this is not mid-life crisis! I mean that means I will only be here until 70!!!! That is not enough time in so many ways!!
Still, in the midst of this confusion-- I realize how blessed I am. I have a WONDERFUL family -- the kind that love you through your best-- and for me-- the worst years! I have 2 beautiful children who love me unconditionally. I have a husband who-- well we have had more downs than ups--- but we are on the right track--- we are working on it-- and he loved me enough to fight for us! So-- I am blessed--

So-- for my bday- I wanted to do something different---I wanted to have fun.... so some friends suggested we go to a place called Pete's Dueling Piano Bar. This was so me!!!! There are 2 pianos-- the play music from every era..... every style...... and everyone gets involved..... there is much singing...... and oh so much fun!!! It was a night that took me back--- reminded me of some DEAR friends--you know who you are--- it made me thankful for new friends--- something I have been searching for..... So-- here are a few pics from the night--there are only a few--- some of the pics were blurry-- so I didn't get everyone in--
I got to just be Kristi--- it is nice to do that from time to time!

So-- here's to my next 35......thanks to EVERYONE who has been a part of my first 35... you all will never know how you have helped mold me into the woman I am today. I am so thankful for each and every experience-- the good and yes... the bad. I have learned so much, grown so much, and changed in many ways!
I love you all!


Heart Strings said...

I am glad to that you had a good time on your birthday! You are a blessing to our class!

Karla said...

Yeah, 35 is a tough one...Sorry I forgot to send you an e-card...I mean to, really!! :( I'm so glad you have your husband and 2 precious children. God knows you are doing a great job with them and heck, 35 is just a number. One day at a time, right? Love you, girl!