Saturday, June 23, 2007

VBS 2007-- GameDay Central

We just finished a full week of VBS. I did something different this year and helped out in the Preschool recreation. What an adventure getting 3 year olds to do an organized game! It was alot of fun and both of my kids had a great time.

This is the preschool worship leader. Ages 3- finished Kindergarten saw her every day for worship. Hard for me to believe that next summer, I will have one in the preschool worship and one in the grade school worship!

Here is Kadyn- fully involved and not knowing she was being watched!

Kadyn with a few friends in her VBS class right before worship started.

Worship again.

Dylan's "Rookie" card. His teacher made each one of them a card-- what a great idea!! His teacher also took lots of pictures throughout the week and gave them to the parents.

Dylan's class got "Dressed up" one day and went to big church.

Dylan's class headed to play- not knowing he was being watched by his mama!

Dylan and his friends planting flowers.

Dylan playing with blocks.

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