Friday, June 29, 2007

Professional Pictures!!

The kids and I went today to have professional pictures made. It has been over a year and a half since we have had pictures made together! I knew it would be a challenge with an active 2 year old and it did prove to be one. Our photographer was excellent and managed to get some great shots! Yes- I have lots of copies! I also have a CD with all 74 shots- the good, the bad, and the ugly!!!

The only things Dylan got excited about were the bear above and the motorcycle!

oops this one got on here twice-- Kadyn was an angel- she sat so patiently and waited for Dylan to decide he wanted to be in pictures!

Dylan just ran and jumped in with Kadyn here--it turned out quite cute!

So- we tried to get mommy in there too--Well Dylan was done with the beach- he had already pulled out EVERY beach blanket they had---- This one was cute- but I did not buy this one- but is on the CD.

This one was too cute-- I did not buy a package of it- but do have this to share on the CD. He loved this bear!

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