Thursday, June 01, 2006

Dylan's First Birthday

ok- technical difficulties- I will have to try and add more pics later-- blogger is not uploading--???

Today, June 1, is Dylan's first birthday. The day started out normal-waking me up at 6:30. He played quite well this morning, but then it was nap time. He did not want to go down. He fussed for over an hour and finally gave it up. I had a hair appointment today, so Dylan and Kadyn went to the Fore's for most of the afternoon. Michael said he was great. He loved their dog Elliot. Then it was home. Granny Lou called and asked if we would like to meet her and Pop for dinner at Molly's Burgers. They wanted to see Dylan today. We were already planning to have a cake at our house tonight- so we took it with us. What fun we had! Daddy let him have his first taste of Coke- and well- he is my child- he wanted more-- LOTS more! I will let the pictures show you how much Dylan enjoyed his cake. He had an audience at one point and the owner of the place came out and Dylan offered him some cake! It was a neat time! We are looking forward to his birthday party this Saturday.

Dylan- I cannot tell you how much I love you. You have brought such excitement to my life. You keep me on my toes, wear me out, but always want to stop for a hug. I love you for this. You are my prince-I have loved this first year of your life. I cannot wait to see what the future holds for you. I know that God has great and marvelous things planned for you. I pray that you begin now to know His name and feel His love for you. I love you sweet boy! Mommy

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