Have I told you how much I love my children!! At the age of 4, I had pictures made of Kadyn in all her princess dress up clothes. The pictures came out so good! I bought more than I should. I said at that time when Dylan got to be 4, I would get pictures of him dressed in whatever he was in to at the time. How lucky I am that his school took professional pictures! Sure, we are a few months shy of 4..... but I think these are SOOOO good! So here is my boy..... he is at such a fun age right now. I am the apple of his eye. There is not a day that goes by where he doesn't come up and grab me and say.."Mommy, I love you!" I know these days are not going to last forever.... so for now I am eating it up!
Family... of course you get pictures.... so here is what I need you to do.... let me know which pictures you would like. I will do my best to honor your requests until the pics are gone!
Easter 2009-- a wonderful day to celebrate our Risen Saviour.! We had a wonderful day of worship. Grannylou joined us for church and lunch. Unfortunately, I did not get pictures of her with us!
The Easter Bunny left goodies... The kiddos with their baskets.... Sportin their new shirts... All dressed up and ready to go.... My favorite closeup of the kids from this morning.. A few random shots... Dylan-- 3 1/2 Kadyn...7 1/2
After lunch and a brief rest... we headed to Grannyleen's for Easter dinner. The kids got to enjoy in an easter egg hunt in the backyard.... there were over 100 eggs filled with candy, toys, and money. The rest are random pictures of the kids and uncles playing. Uncle David surprised us all and was able to come home for the day. The kids were thrilled! Today was so much fun..... however the most important part of today... the reason we celebrate.. is because of the gift our Saviour gave us all... his life.... He is Risen... HE IS RISEN INDEED!
Spring Break was several weeks ago.... during that week we rested, Kadyn and I went to 6 Flags, and one day we went with Kaci and her kiddos to the zoo. Grannylou went with us as well. It was a great day! Hmm... where to?
These are in no particular order.... Look at these kiddos...... J wouldn't stay still long enough.. I caught one with J buzzing through.... Dylan crawling through to see the bear.