Friday, April 27, 2007
Where has time gone? Kadyn is in her last month of kindergarten. She is reading way above grade level- she would read all the time if I would let her! Her other love is singing and performing. She loves to show us her new ballet moves or sing anything she has learned or makes up. These are pictures of her during the last of her "performances." She was in her room, with the tape player singing at the top of her lungs. There were motions included! I wish I could include sound of her- it is so sweet. 

Dylan is growing so fast! It is hard to believe he will be 2 in a month! There is not much physically that he can't do. He is more like 3 year old in that aspect! He can count= but chooses not to on his own! You hear it at random times. He knows his colors-- usually here those as he tries to share his fruit snacks with you! He knows many shapes as well- again sharing those only at rare moments. He loves his Pop and that is one thing you always hear about! Here are a few pictures taken of him.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Shameless Plug
OK- so I am going to put in a plug for a new endeavor! With life changes, I need to supplement my income. So, thanks to my cousin- I am getting to sell AVON with no risk to me! SO- please email me-- if you are intersted in seeing a catalog or learn about ordering options! Please pass this info on to ANYONE! Thank you for helping me!
Sock Hop
Kadyn and I went to a Sock Hop at school on Friday! We had a blast! She won a dance contest as well! A funny story-- her class wrote letters home to encourage everyone to attend the Sock Hop. They had talked in detail about what all there would be- dancing, hula hoop contests, the limbo, root beer floats and kissing booths ( they got hershey kisses- had to be PG at an elementary school!) So her letter was so good- she told me in detail what there would be-- but she was a bit confused and worried-- her letter told me about kissing boobs!! Yes you read that right- she could not figure out what kissing boobs were! That is definitely a letter I will treasure! Enjoy the pictures!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Fun at the Farm
Last Saturday, our church sponsored a preschool day at the farm. Kadyn was so excited. Dylan was not home, but she asked if Jonathan could go with us. Well, we had beautiful weather all week- looks promising- but no- it was extremely cold! April 14th in Texas and we are freezing our tooshies off! We did go for a bit- but ended up taking the kids to the mall to play! Here are some pictures of our adventures.

Jonathan was not too excited about the reindeer!
Searching for Peter Rabbit

Jonathan was not too excited about the reindeer!
Searching for Peter Rabbit
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Lots to update
It has been quite awhile since I have updated! There is lots of news below. I hope to do better about keeping things posted! Enjoy!
Fun at the Mall
The kids love to go play at the play space in the mall! Dylan can do as much as any kid there- sometimes to my worry! He is taller than many 2 year olds- but he is still not quite 2 himself! Gone are the days of sweet baby smells! It is fun to watch them play with each other as well as other kids. Unfortunately, these trips will soon become hard- Kadyn is now technically too tall to play in the areas! Kadyn is almost 44 inches- Dylan is a bit over 34---my kids are going to be taller than me in a year!
Visit With Cynthia
The last part of our trip was to Conroe. It had been at least 5 years since I had seen Cynthia! Kadyn was only a few months old the last time we were able to get together. We had a great time! Kadyn loved reading to Cynthia. We spent time at a park before leaving and Kadyn and Lilli got to run around. These are great action shots of the girls. I am so excited that they live only 3 1/2 hours away now!
Spring Break 2007
Kadyn and I went on a girls trip to San Antonio for part of our spring break. We went to Six Flags, the Riverwalk, the Alamo, and Sea World. Kadyn's favorite part of the trip was Sea World. For now, she is telling everyone she wants to be Shamu's trainer- this is her dream. Here are a few pictures and I do mean a few since about 400 were taken. The last one is one of my favorites! We were headed to feed the sea lion's. Kadyn was all excited until she realized that she would have to touch the fish! I cannot believe I caught the expression on her face! We had a great time! I can't wait to go back again- I am not sure who had the best time at Sea World to be honest! The kid in me did not want to leave!
I love Pop
Easter 2007
What a day it was. Taking pictures was an interesting experience this year. Dylan does not stand still quite well! It was quite cold outside- but not snowing today! Kadyn was up earlier than usual- ready to see her easter basket and Dylan was not far behind. The day was filled with church, naps and an easter egg hunt in the house with everyone involved!
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Easter Weather?
Ok-- tomorrow is Easter and we had SNOW today????? I just heard on the news that tomorrow morning- Easter morning will be colder than Christmas morning was! Only in TEXAS! Easter pictures to come this week! I promise!
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